Land Matters and Rural Development : 2017(1)
Author | Juanita M. Pienaar,Willemien Du Plessis,Ebrezia Johnson |
DOI | 10.10520/EJC-12223685fa |
Published date | 01 October 2018 |
Date | 01 October 2018 |
Record Number | sapr1_v33_n1_a9 |
Pages | 1-42 |
Southern African Public Law 00/3228
ISSN 2522-6800 (Online)
Volume 33 | Number 1 | 2018 | #3228 | 42 pages
© Unisa Press 2018
Land Matters and Rural Development: 2017(1)
Juanita M Pienaar
University of Stellenbosch
Ebrezia Johnson
University of Stellenbosch
Willemien du Plessis
North-West University
Land remains a controversial political issue and it seems that the numerous policies,
legislation and proposed new legislation and amendments to legislation will not pacify
those who live with broken promises.1 It is not only access to rural land that remains an
issue, but many people living in urban areas do not have title deeds to their homes.2 It
is, however, not only a matter of granting land: in order for land reform to be effective,
the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform indicated that the Department of
Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) will monitor the use of land that was
redistributed and restituted. If the land is not properly used, it will have to be returned
for the purposes of reallocation.3 The minister further indicated that ‘comprehensive
land audits’ need to be undertaken to determine to whom the land belongs in South
1 See in this regard Marianne Merten, ‘Analysis: On Land Issues, ANC Lacks Clarity and
Determination’ Daily Maverick (17 April 2017) <
17-analysis-on-land-issues-anc-lacks-clarity-and-determination/#.WcEZw7IjHIU> accessed 18 April
2017. New Bills include, for example, the Extension of Security of Tenure Amendment Bill, 2015 and
the Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Bill, 2017.
2 Noah Schermbrucker, Victoria Mdzanga and Christine Botha, ‘Hundreds of Thousands of
Homeowners Do not Have Title Deeds’ GroundUp (6 June 2017)
accessed 7 June 2017.
3 Anonymous, ‘Policy: Use It or Lose It Land Reform “Project” Kicks In?’ Legalbrief Today (8 May
Africa.4 In this note on land, the most important measures and court decisions pertaining
to restitution, land reform, unlawful occupation, housing, land-use planning, deeds,
surveying, rural development and agriculture are discussed.5
Keywords: land reform; restitution; redistribution; tenure reform; eviction; housing;
survey; rural development
Land Restitution
While some land claims have been settled, other communities are still disputing how
they should be compensated. For instance, in the Peddie region some members of three
communities agreed to receive one hectare per household. The claim involves ‘80 farms
spanning 43 000 ha in the Fish River and surrounding regions’6 and the District Six
claimants stated that they are tired of waiting twenty years either for a home or for
During the window period, before the amendments to the Restitution of Land Rights
Act 22 of 1994 (Restitution Act) were declared unconstitutional, 14 000 new land
claims were instituted in the eThekwini Metropolitan area. In the period July 2014 to
July 2016 claimants lodged approximately 39 730 new claims in KwaZulu-Natal, and
in South Africa as a whole approximately 163 000 claims were lodged.8
Restitution of Land Rights Act 22 of 1994
In terms of the Restitution Act, election rules pertaining to the investigation of certain
claims were published.9 The notice follows a court directive of Bertelsman J, where one
Frantz instituted a land claim on behalf of the Community of Saron and the ‘Saron
Sendingstasie’.10 As a result of a dispute as to whether he had the right to represent the
community, the Court directed that the ‘lawful individual members of the claimant
communities and their lawful representative(s)’ must be determined before the land
4 Bekezela Phakathi, ‘Minister Admits to Significant Gap in Land Audits’ BusinessLive (22 May 2017)
audits/> accessed 28 August 2017.
5 This note focuses in essence on the most important literature, legislation and court decisions published
during the period 30 November 2016 to 31 March 2017. Some information may be of a later date.
6 Anonymous, ‘Land Claims: Community Agrees to One Hectare per Household’ Legalbrief Today (9
May 2017).
7 Anonymous, ‘Land Claims: District Six Claimants Demand Homes’ Legalbrief Today (9 May 2017).
8 Anonymous, ‘General: Land Claims Held Up by Parliament’ Legalbrief Today (31 May 2017).
9 Claim reference no F284 [KRK 6/2/2/A/1/0/0/1] and F462 [KRK 6/2/3/A/41/241/0/18]—Gen N 866
in GG 40480 (9 December 2016).
10 Land Claims F284 and F462 and the court directive was issued under LCC1222012 and LCC129/2012
on 13 November 2015—see Gen N 866 in GG 40480 (9 December 2016).
claim could be resolved.11 To enable the process, the Chief Land Claims Commissioner
(CLCC), in consultation with the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform,
compiled rules to ensure due process in this regard.12 In terms of these rules, the CLCC
must appoint a genealogical researcher to assist him or her with determining the identity
of the claimants13 and must also appoint a chairperson to convene meetings in terms of
the rules. One such meeting is to be held with the applicant and the various church
councils or controlling bodies that may be involved in the claim.14 The election of
representative members of the community and the publication of notices are also
regulated.15 It is the first notice of its kind that has been published since 1994 and it is
an interesting way of resolving disputes among claimants.
The Office of the Regional Land Commissioner of the Western Cape invited tenders on
behalf of the Covie Communal Property Association (CPA) for the development of the ir
restituted land.16 The development could, over and above the housing component,
include ‘business opportunities relating to eco-tourism, environmentally oriented
commercial activities, community facilities, small-scale agricultural activities and
home-based economic activities.’ It is also the first notice of its kind to have been
Numerous land claim notices were issued during the period November 2016 to June
2017: the number issued in each district seems to indicate that the various land claims
commissioners are trying their level best to finalise the outstanding claims. The table
below shows the number of claims instituted.
Table: Number of land claims instituted per province and area, November 2016 to June
11 Rule 2 Gen N 866 in GG 40480 (9 December 2016).
12 The rules were compiled in terms of ss 10(4) and 16 of the Restitution of Land Rights Act 22 of 1994.
13 Rule 3.1 Gen N 223 in GG 40691 (17 March 2017).
14 ibid; Rule 3.5 lists the Verenigde Gereformeerde Kerk Gemeente of Saron; the Apostoliese Kerk; t he
Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk; the Baptist Church and the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
15 Rule 3.5 (n 14); Rules 4 and 5.
16 Gen N 223 in GG 40691 (17 March 2017). See also Gen N 38 in GG 40577 (27 January 2017)
pertaining to an additional tender.
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