Grundling v Minister of Law and Order and Another

JurisdictionSouth Africa
JudgeMullins J
Judgment Date26 August 1986
Citation1987 (1) SA 627 (SE)
Hearing Date13 August 1986
CourtSouth Eastern Cape Local Division

Mullins J:

This judgment relates to a special plea to plaintiff's particulars of claim. In the event of the special plea failing either wholly or in part, the parties agreed that I I would not be seized of the matter, which could proceed on the merits before another Judge. In such event the matter would have to be postponed to a date to be arranged for hearing on the merits.

The plaintiff, a former captain in the South African police, claims the sum R50 000 as damages from defendants jointly and J severally. First de-

Mullins J

A fendant is the Minister of Law and Order. Second defendant is Lieutenant-Colonel J A du Toit of the South African Police.

In his particulars of claim, plaintiff alleges that on 10 April 1982, while he was driving a motor car, he was involved in an accident. Thereafter, and while he was at the provincial B Hospital, Port Elizabeth, he refused to allow a sample of his blood to be taken for analysis. Second defendant thereupon stated to him 'Indien dit jou houding is, en jy dan hardegat wil wees, dan plaas ek jou in hegtenis.'

Plaintiff alleges that second defendant thereby compelled plaintiff to permit a sample of blood to be taken from him, 'omdat eiser toe in hegtenis sou wees'. On analysis this showed C his blood-alcohol level to be 0,13%. He was prosecuted on a charge of driving while his blood-alcohol level was in excess of the statutory maximum of 0,08% with an alternative charge of negligent or reckless driving. He was acquitted on both charges on 9 September 1982.

Paragraphs 6, 7 and 8 of his particulars of claim, containing D the above and other allegations, read as follows:


As gevolg van die kwaadwillige arrestasie, die kwaadwillige trekking van 'n bloedmonster en kwaadwillige vervolging van die eiser deur die tweede verweerder, terwyl hy in diens van die eerste E verweerder was, het die eiser beledigd gevoel, in sy eer gekrenk gevoel, en is sy goeie naam en dignitas aangetas en gekrenk tot so 'n mate dat hy onder meer uit die polisiemag bedank het en sodoende 'n belowende loopbaan prysgegee het.


As gevolg van voormelde aantasting van die eer, dignitas, waardigheid en goeie naam van die eiser, het eiser skade gely in die bedrag van R50 000.


F Behoorlike kennis is aan die eerste en tweede verweerders gegee soos vereis deur art 32 van Wet 7 van 1958 en die tydperk van een maand het reeds verstryk.'

Although it is not completely clear from the particulars of claim that plaintiff was in fact arrested before the blood G sample was taken, this allegation is made in the further particulars. In terms of s 37(1)(a) and (c) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 any police official is entitled to take a blood sample from a person arrested on any charge. It is therefore unnecessary to consider what the position would be where a person, who has not been arrested, is persuaded to allow a blood sample to be taken by reason of a threat of arrest.

H As appears from the particulars of claim quoted above, plaintiff bases his claim on 'kwaadwillige arrestasie', 'kwaadwillige trekking van 'n bloedmonster' and 'kwaadwillige vervolging'. The element of maliciousness is therefore specifically alleged in relation to all three of the causes of action as pleaded.

I As stated in para 8 of his particulars of claim, quoted above, plaintiff alleges that he has complied with the provisions of s 32 of the Police Act 7 of 1958, ss (1) of which reads as follows:

'Any civil action against the State or any person in respect of anything done in pursuance of this Act, shall be commenced within six months alter the cause of action arose, and notice in writing of any civil action and of the cause thereof shall J be given to the defendant one month at least before the commencement thereof.'

Mullins J

A Copies of the notices relied upon were annexed to further particulars furnished by plaintiff.

The notice to first defendant is in the form of a letter dated 20 September 1982, headed 'Kennisgewing in terme van art 32 van Wet 7 van 1958. Ons kliënt - oud-kaptein R A Grundling.' It reads as follows:

'Geliewe kennis te neem that mnr R A Grundling (oud-Kaptain in B S A Polisie) van p/a Grundling Estates, Posbus 10218, Linton Grange, Port Elizabeth, van voorneme is om 'n siviele eis teen u as eerste verweerder en lt kol J A du Toit as tweede verweerder, gesamentlik en afsonderlik in te stel vir die bedrag van R50 000 as skadevergoeding vir vals arres, wat gepleeg is deur lt kol J A du Toit, lid van die SA Polisie, Port Elizabeth, deurdat gemelde lt kol J A du Toit op 10 April 1982, en te die Provinsiale Hospitaal, Port Elizabeth, die eiser arresteer het en eiser daarna onderwerp het aan mediese C ondersoek en die neem van 'n bloedmonster. Verder is daar onsuksesvolle vervolging ingestel teen ons kliënt vir bestuur van 'n motorvoertuig terwyl die alkohol-inhoud van sy bloed, 08% oorskry het en tweedens dat hy 'n motorvoertuig op 'n roekelose of nalatige...

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    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...SA 241): compared Groenewald v Minister van Justisie 1973 (3) SA 877 (A): compared Grundling v Minister of Law and Order and Another 1987 (1) SA 627 (SE): referred to G Hlathi v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Council and Others 2011 JDR 1060 (GSJ): referred K & S Dry Cleaning Equipment (......
  • Minister of Safety and Security v Molutsi and Another
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    • Invalid date
    ...SA 700 (A) Ferreira and Others v Minister of Police and Others 1981 (1) SA 73 (C) Grundling v Minister of Law and Order and Another 1987 (1) SA 627 (SE) Hartman v Minister van Polisie 1983 (2) SA 489 (A) Hayne & Co v Kaffrarian Steam Mill Co Ltd 1914 AD 363 C Key v Attorney-General, Cape Pr......
  • Minister of Police v Haunawa; Haunawa v Cabinet for the territory of South West Africa and Others
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...(2) SA 575 (A); Groepe v Minister of Police and Others 1979 (4) SA 182 (E) and Grundling J v Minister of Law and Order and Another 1987 (1) SA 627 (SE).) 1989 (1) SA p746 Strydom J A Boulle, in the above article, suggests yet a further possibility which, to my mind, s 32 may also be aimed a......
  • Minister of Justice, Police and Prisons, Ciskei, and Another v Ntliziwana
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...action in regard to the other. Appellants rely mainly on the following authorities: Grundling v Minister of Law and Order and Another 1987 (1) SA 627 (SE); Thompson and Another v Minister of Police and Another 1971 (1) SA 371 (E) I ; Beckenstrater v Rottcher and Theunissen 1955 (1) SA 129 (......
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13 cases
  • Van Heerden v Minister van Veiligheid en Sekuriteit en 'n Ander
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...SA 241): compared Groenewald v Minister van Justisie 1973 (3) SA 877 (A): compared Grundling v Minister of Law and Order and Another 1987 (1) SA 627 (SE): referred to G Hlathi v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Council and Others 2011 JDR 1060 (GSJ): referred K & S Dry Cleaning Equipment (......
  • Minister of Safety and Security v Molutsi and Another
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...SA 700 (A) Ferreira and Others v Minister of Police and Others 1981 (1) SA 73 (C) Grundling v Minister of Law and Order and Another 1987 (1) SA 627 (SE) Hartman v Minister van Polisie 1983 (2) SA 489 (A) Hayne & Co v Kaffrarian Steam Mill Co Ltd 1914 AD 363 C Key v Attorney-General, Cape Pr......
  • Minister of Police v Haunawa; Haunawa v Cabinet for the territory of South West Africa and Others
    • South Africa
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    ...(2) SA 575 (A); Groepe v Minister of Police and Others 1979 (4) SA 182 (E) and Grundling J v Minister of Law and Order and Another 1987 (1) SA 627 (SE).) 1989 (1) SA p746 Strydom J A Boulle, in the above article, suggests yet a further possibility which, to my mind, s 32 may also be aimed a......
  • Minister of Justice, Police and Prisons, Ciskei, and Another v Ntliziwana
    • South Africa
    • Invalid date
    ...action in regard to the other. Appellants rely mainly on the following authorities: Grundling v Minister of Law and Order and Another 1987 (1) SA 627 (SE); Thompson and Another v Minister of Police and Another 1971 (1) SA 371 (E) I ; Beckenstrater v Rottcher and Theunissen 1955 (1) SA 129 (......
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