Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as Intervening Creditor)

JurisdictionSouth Africa
JudgeGorven J
Judgment Date28 September 2012
Citation2013 (1) SA 49 (KZP)
Docket Number2333/2012
Hearing Date13 September 2012
CounselJM White for the applicant. LE Combrink for the intervening creditor.
CourtKwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg

Gorven J:

[1] This application is for an order sequestrating the estate of the D applicant by way of voluntary surrender in terms of the provisions of ss 3 to 6 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 (the Act). It was brought on an ex parte basis. Nedbank Ltd (Nedbank) was granted leave to intervene as an interested party, being the major creditor of the applicant. It is not in issue that s 4 of the Act was complied with, save that the Act provides that the notice of surrender must be posted to the E South African Revenue Service (SARS), whereas the application, including the notice, was served at the offices of SARS. This is a formal defect as envisaged in s 157(1) of the Act. It was conceded that there had been substantial compliance and certainly no substantial injustice resulted. Nothing further therefore need be said on the matter.

F [2] The test for voluntary surrender applications is set out in s 6(1) of the Act which, apart from requiring compliance with s 4, provides as follows:

'If the court is satisfied . . . that the estate of the debtor in question is insolvent, that he owns realisable property of a sufficient value to defray all costs of the sequestration which will in terms of this Act be payable G out of the free residue of his estate and that it will be to the advantage of creditors of the debtor if his estate is sequestrated, it may accept the surrender of the debtor's estate and make an order sequestrating that estate.'

[3] There is no dispute that the estate of the applicant is insolvent. That H leaves two issues for determination before the discretion granted by s 6(1) can be exercised. The first is to determine whether the applicant owns realisable property sufficient to defray all costs of the sequestration, and the second is to determine whether the sequestration of the I applicant's estate will be to the advantage of creditors.

[4] Both of these aspects require the court to be satisfied. The applicant must discharge the onus to satisfy the court on a balance of probabilities. In particular, the test relating to advantage to creditors is more strictly framed than that for the provisional sequestration of a debtor's estate, which only requires the court to be of the opinion that prima facie there J is reason to believe that it will be to the advantage of creditors if the

Gorven J

estate is sequestrated. [1] It is also more strictly framed than that for the A final sequestration of a debtor's estate which only requires the court to be satisfied that there is reason to believe that it will be to the advantage of creditors if the estate is sequestrated. [2] In s 6(1) the court must be satisfied that it will be to the advantage of creditors if the debtor's estate is sequestrated. B

[5] Courts have long required an applicant in voluntary surrender applications to make a full and frank disclosure. [3] This arises at least in part from the stringent test referred to above. It is quite clear that, without a full and frank disclosure, the court cannot be 'satisfied' as to C the above two criteria in particular. The required high level of disclosure is also affected, in no small measure, by the fact that the application is ordinarily brought on an ex parte basis, as is the present one. There is ample authority that applications brought on that basis require the utmost good faith. [4] The principles were succinctly stated by Le Roux J in Schlesinger v Schlesinger [5] in a rescission application as follows: D


in ex parte applications all material facts must be disclosed which might influence a Court in coming to a decision;


the non-disclosure or suppression of facts need not be wilful or mala fide to incur the penalty of rescission; and


the Court, apprised of the true facts, has a discretion to set aside the formal order or to preserve it.' E

[6] In voluntary surrender applications the need for full and frank disclosure is accentuated by the fact that, despite the practice of such applications being brought on an ex parte basis, they do not fulfil the criteria for true ex parte applications. In true ex parte applications the F

Gorven J

A applicant is the only person who is interested in the relief which is being claimed. In such applications, notice only to the registrar of the court is required. [6] In voluntary surrender applications, on the other hand, creditors, to name only one category of persons, have a very real interest in the outcome of the application. For them the outcome of the B application spells the difference between the prospect of recovering the applicant's full indebtedness and the prospect that recovery will be reduced by virtue of sequestration.

[7] This is presumably why, in voluntary surrender applications, notice to creditors is required. Unlike the situation where the creditor is cited as C a respondent in an application, however, service of the application papers is not required. [7] Neither do creditors have the same time available to decide whether or not to oppose the application. Two forms of notice are given to creditors. First, the notice of surrender in the statutory form which advises of the date of the application and the date from which a D statement of the applicant's affairs will lie for inspection at the relevant office or offices, must be published in the Government Gazette and a newspaper circulating in the district in which the applicant resides. The publication must take place not more than 30 days and not less than 14 days from the date of the application. Secondly, the notice of surrender giving the same information must be delivered or posted to E each creditor whose address is known, within seven days of publication in the Gazette. Depending on when they receive the posted or delivered notice, and depending on whether the applicant has published only 14 days prior to the application, creditors may only be left with a few days to inspect the statement of the applicant's affairs so as to decide F whether or not to intervene in the application.

[8] From this it is clear that in voluntary surrender applications creditors are required to be more alert, proactive and must respond more quickly in assessing whether or not to intervene, than if they had been a party to the application. If they wish to form a clear view of the application, they G need to inspect the statement of affairs and, if this does not provide sufficient detail, to locate and inspect the application itself, all within a limited time period. This contrasts with the position in a normal application where the respondents receive service of the application papers and all that they need to do is to read the papers in order to form H the same view. It does not require great imagination to realise that many, if not most, creditors do not have the resources to routinely and timeously follow up on notices of surrender sent to them by post. Even if they follow up, they may well decide that it is not worth throwing good money after bad by intervening and opposing the application. This may be particularly so in relatively small estates where their prospect of I recovering legal costs, even if they successfully oppose the application, is remote. This renders creditors peculiarly vulnerable to voluntary surrender applications which, at a superficial level, make out a case that

Gorven J

sequestration is inevitable. In such a case an overburdened court, A confronted with an unopposed application, may not scrutinise the application as carefully, and thus become aware of material non-disclosures, as it would do if it were opposed. A further reason for requiring a higher level of disclosure, in voluntary surrender applications, is that an outright order can be given on the first appearance in court B whereas, in most sequestration applications, a provisional order precedes a final order in a two-stage process.

[9] Just over a decade ago, the various divisions of the high court 'cracked down' or 'tightened up' on so-called friendly sequestration applications which were described as beginning to constitute a 'cottage C industry'. [8] In Mthimkhulu it was said that, in many cases, there was 'a very grave suspicion of collusion'. [9] As a result, practice guidelines were laid down in this division for such applications. [10] In essence what was required was full and frank disclosure along with clear proof of the necessary facts. The proof of the indebtedness giving the applicant locus standi D generally required documentary proof. In addition, a full and complete...

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15 practice notes
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    • South Africa
    • Juta South Africa Mercantile Law Journal No. , August 2019
    • 20 August 2019
    ...also Esterhuizen vSwanepoel and sixteen other cases 2004 (4) SA 89 (W) at 92; Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd asintervening creditor) 2013 (1) SA 49 (KZP) para 10.19This phenomenon has developed in practice because the onus of proving advantage inthe case of a compulsory sequestration applica......
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    • Invalid date
    ...v Northern Construction Enterprises (Pty) Ltd 1956 (2) SA 346 (T): referred to Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as Intervening Creditor) 2013 (1) SA 49 (KZP): F referred Ex parte Clifford Homes Construction (Pty) Ltd 1989 (4) SA 610 (W): referred to Ex parte Le Grange van den Heever 1961 (4) S......
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    • Sabinet De Jure No. 48-1, January 2015
    • 1 January 2015
    ...Act 34 of 2005 (NCA) (Ex parte Ford and two similar cases2009 3 SA 376 (WCC) 384; Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as interveningcreditor) 2013 1 SA 49 (KZP) 56–57; Ex parte Shmukler-Tshiko 2013 JOL29999 (GSJ) par 33). In Ford (supra par 18), the court refused to exerciseits discretion in favo......
  • Waiving of rights to property in insolvent estates and advantage to creditors in sequestration proceedings in South Africa
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    • Sabinet De Jure No. 51-2, December 2018
    • 1 December 2018
    ...See, amongst others, Ex parte Application: Shmukler-Tshiko 2012 JDR 1796(GSJ); Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as Intervening Creditor) 2013 1 SA 49(KZP); Plumb on Plumbers v Lauderdale 2013 1 SA 60 (KZD); and Huntrex337 (Pty) Ltd t/a Huntrex Debt Collection Services v Vosloo 2014 1 SA 227(GN......
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    • Invalid date
    ...v Northern Construction Enterprises (Pty) Ltd 1956 (2) SA 346 (T): referred to Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as Intervening Creditor) 2013 (1) SA 49 (KZP): F referred Ex parte Clifford Homes Construction (Pty) Ltd 1989 (4) SA 610 (W): referred to Ex parte Le Grange van den Heever 1961 (4) S......
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    • 10 May 2013
    ...Occupiers, School Site v City of Johannesburg 2005 (4) SA 199 (SCA) at 206H [4] Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as intervening creditor) 2013 (1) SA 49 (KZP) at paras 3 & 4 [5] Ex parte Steenkamp supra [6] 2003 (2) SA 308 (T) at 311J – 312G [7] [2011] JOL 27029 (GNP) [8] Opera House (Grand Pa......
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    • Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg
    • 13 December 2017
    ...v Northern Construction Enterprises (Pty) Ltd 1956 (2) SA 346 (T): referred to Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as Intervening Creditor) 2013 (1) SA 49 (KZP): F referred Ex parte Clifford Homes Construction (Pty) Ltd 1989 (4) SA 610 (W): referred to Ex parte Le Grange van den Heever 1961 (4) S......
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    • Eastern Cape Division
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    ...(1) 645 (T). [5] See footnote 1. [6] The phrase is borrowed from Gorven J in Ex Parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as Intervening Creditor) 2013 (1) SA 49 (KZP) at paragraph [9], page [7] Unreported ECLDP Case No. 864/2012 delivered on 01 July 2014. [8] Unreported ECDG Case No. 2105/2014 delivered ......
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4 books & journal articles
  • The Income of an Insolvent and Sequestration under the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936
    • South Africa
    • Juta South Africa Mercantile Law Journal No. , August 2019
    • 20 August 2019
    ...also Esterhuizen vSwanepoel and sixteen other cases 2004 (4) SA 89 (W) at 92; Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd asintervening creditor) 2013 (1) SA 49 (KZP) para 10.19This phenomenon has developed in practice because the onus of proving advantage inthe case of a compulsory sequestration applica......
  • Body Corporate Palm Lane v Masinge 2013 JDR2332 (GNP) : recent case law
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    • Sabinet De Jure No. 48-1, January 2015
    • 1 January 2015
    ...Act 34 of 2005 (NCA) (Ex parte Ford and two similar cases2009 3 SA 376 (WCC) 384; Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as interveningcreditor) 2013 1 SA 49 (KZP) 56–57; Ex parte Shmukler-Tshiko 2013 JOL29999 (GSJ) par 33). In Ford (supra par 18), the court refused to exerciseits discretion in favo......
  • Waiving of rights to property in insolvent estates and advantage to creditors in sequestration proceedings in South Africa
    • South Africa
    • Sabinet De Jure No. 51-2, December 2018
    • 1 December 2018
    ...See, amongst others, Ex parte Application: Shmukler-Tshiko 2012 JDR 1796(GSJ); Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as Intervening Creditor) 2013 1 SA 49(KZP); Plumb on Plumbers v Lauderdale 2013 1 SA 60 (KZD); and Huntrex337 (Pty) Ltd t/a Huntrex Debt Collection Services v Vosloo 2014 1 SA 227(GN......
  • Abuse of Sequestration Proceedings in South Africa Revisited
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    • Juta South Africa Mercantile Law Journal No. , August 2019
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    ...interests in bankruptcy law’ (2001)Common Law World Review 206 at 208. See also Ex parte Arntzen (Nedbank Ltd as InterveningCreditor) 2013 (1) SA 49 (KZP) (hereafter ‘Arntzen’) and Plumb on Plumbers v Lauderdale andAnother 2013 (1) SA 60 (KZD) (hereafter ‘Plumb’).6Shmukler supra note 5 at 3......

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