Current Development: No such thing as a perfect candidate: A comment on the process of choosing the next ICC Prosecutor

JurisdictionSouth Africa
Published date30 October 2020
AuthorJacobs, D.
Citation(2019) African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law 123
Date30 October 2020
No such thing as a perfect candidate:
A comment on the process of
choosing the next ICC Prosecutor
Dov Jacobs*
There are few topics in international criminal law (ICL) right now
gathering more attention than the election of the next Prosecutor
of the International Criminal Court (ICC Prosec utor or Prosecutor).
This election has been t he object of considerable online commentary
on established blogs1 and civil society organ isations have likewise
weighed in quite extensively on the election process.
While the work of the ICC Prosecutor has always been under
scrutiny, the next Prosecutor will arguably be faced with part icular
challenges that will im mediately test his or her capacity to show
his or her competence. Earlier this year, the Appeals Cha mber of
the International Criminal Court (ICC) authorised an investigation
into the Afghanistan Situa tion2 and the Prosec utor will continue to
face strong and aggressive opposition from the United States.3 The
Prosecutor will als o have to decide how to move forward with a possible
investigation in the Situation of Palestin e should the Pre-Trial Chamber
– currently seized w ith a request to clarify the territorial parameters
of such an investigation4 – consider that the Prosecutor can indeed
exercise jurisdiction under the Rome Statute of the ICC.
The new Prosecutor will also have to deal with the outcome of the
Expert Review launched at the last Assembly of State Parties (ASP) to
* Dr Dov Jacobs is a Defence Trial L awyer at the ICC and Founder of St rategic
International Lega l Consulting, ava ilable at>. The
views in this com ment are expressed in his persona l capacity.
1 Such as Opinio Jur is available at a nd Justice in
Conict avai lable at .org/>, which co-hosted an
extensive symposiu m on the next Prosecutor in the spring.
2 ICC Judgment on th e appeal against the decision on t he authorisation of a n
investigation into the situ ation in the Islamic Republic of Afghani stan ICC -0 2/17-
138, 5 March 2020.
3 On this, see Kevi n Jon Heller ‘Statement Agai nst US Sanctions on IC C
Investigat ions’ Opinio Juris 30 June 2020, available at tps://opiniojuris.
org/2020/06/30/statement-against-u s-sanctions-on-icc-investigations/>
(accessed on 18 August 2020).
4 ICC Prosecution request pursu ant to article 19(3) for a ruling on the Court’s terr itorial
jurisdiction in Palestin e ICC-01/18-12, 22 January 2020.
(2019) African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law 123
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