Comments: Determining the criminal capacity of children aged 10 to 14 years: A comment in light of S v TS 2015 (1) SACR 489 (WCC)
Jurisdiction | South Africa |
Author | Shelley Walker |
Citation | (2015) 28 SACJ 337 |
Pages | 337-346 |
Published date | 24 May 2019 |
Date | 24 May 2019 |
Determining the criminal capacity
of children aged 10 to 14 years:
A comment in light of S v TS 2015
(1) SACR 489 (WCC)
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
1 Introduction
Although the Child Justice Act 75 of 200 8 (‘the CJA’) allows for the
prosecution of children aged 10 years and older, s 7(2) of the CJA has
retained the common-law presumption that a ch ild under 14 years lacks
criminal c apacity. The requirements for rebutting this presumption are
prescribed in s 11(1) of the CJA, namely that the child must have had
the capacity ‘to appreciate the difference bet ween right and wrong
at the time of the commission of [the] alleged offence and to act in
accordance with that appreciation’.
As I explained in an earlier comment on t he provisions of s 11(1),
these requirements are not an exact res tatement of the common law
as it applied immediately before the commencement of the CJA (S
Walker ‘The requirements for crimi nal capacity in s 11(1) of the new
Child Justice Act, 2008: A s tep in the wrong direction?’ (2011) 24 SACJ
33). Although, like the common law, s 11(1) requires an assessment of
the child’s cognitive and conative capacity at the time of the offence,
the common-law enquiry for the cognit ive component of criminal
capacity (the so-called ‘insight’ leg of the enquir y) was not whether
the child could distingu ish between right and wrong in a general or
abstract sense, but whether he could appreciate the wrongful ness of
his particula r unlawful conduct, in t he circumstances in which it was
committed (S v Pietersen (1983 (4) SA 904 (E) at 907A-C; S v Ngobese
2002 (1) SACR 562 (W) at 564H-J; see also Walker op cit 35-38, CR
Snyman S trafreg 6ed (2012) 186, G Kemp et al Criminal Law in South
Africa 2e d (2015) 178 -180).
(2015) 28 SACJ 337
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