Case Review: Sentencing

JurisdictionSouth Africa
Published date16 August 2019
Citation(2005) 18 SACJ 109
Date16 August 2019
AuthorStephan Terblanche
Recent cases 109
University of South Africa, Pretoria
General principles
Guidance from other cases
The court in S v G 2004 (2) SACR 296 (W) followed a proper approach
with respect to the guidance that is to be gained from sentences imposed
in previous judgments. First, Borchers J accepted that she was bound by
Supreme Court of Appeal judgments to the effect that the prescribed life
imprisonment should not be imposed, unless the rape could be said to be
among the worst cases of rape (see also ‘Rape’ below). Second, the court
referred to the diff‌i culty of comparing one case with another, as ‘there
are always important similarities and important differences’ (at 300d–e).
Therefore, previous judgments could only serve as guidelines. Utilising a
guideline requires that the relevant aggravating and mitigating factors of
the particular case be highlighted and compared with those of others.
(2005) 18 SACJ 109
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