Case Review: Constitutional application

JurisdictionSouth Africa
Published date16 August 2019
AuthorAnashri Pillay
Date16 August 2019
Citation(2005) 18 SACJ 121
Recent cases 121
Constitutional Application
University of Cape Town
Interpretation – right to a fair trial
Right of access to police dockets or state witnesses’ reports
In S v Shiburi 2004 (2) SACR 314 (W), the court had to decide whether
the right to a fair trial included the right of access to police dockets or
state witnesses’ reports and, if it did, whether there was a duty on a judicial
off‌i cer to inform an unrepresented accused of such right. Three judgments
were handed down. Two of the judges dismissed the appeal. A large part
of the reasoning turned on the interpretation of the Constitutional Court’s
judgment in Shabalala and Others v Attorney-General of Transvaal and
Another 1995 (2) SACR 761 (CC). EM du Toit AJ interpreted the judgment
to mean that there is a ‘blanket privilege’ against disclosure of police
dockets but that the individual circumstances of the case may require
disclosure to facilitate a fair trial (at 338c–e). He went on to f‌i nd that there
(2005) 18 SACJ 121
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