No. , May 2019
- Preliminary notes - index
- The Possibility of Postmodern Legal Interpretation: Reading Country of My Skull From a Social Constructionist Perspective
- 'Should the Playing Fields be Levelled?' Revisiting Affirmative Action in Professional Sport (part 3)
- 'A Place to Call Home': Temporary Sanctuary in Australia — Lessons for South Africa
- Testeerbevoegdheid, Herroeping van 'n Testament en Kuratele sorg
- For Old Time's Sake, Meaning of a 'Mineral'?
- States' Rights versus Human and Peoples' Rights in International Law: Sovereign Immunity and Universal Jurisdiction before the International Court of Justice
- The Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002: Facilitating Electronic Commerce
- The Role of Human Rights Law in Community Development: A South African Perspective
- Geregverdigde Doodslag by Inhegtenisneming: Die Bepalings van die Nuwe Artikel 49 van die Strafproseswet
- Legalising Parallel Imports Under Intellectual Property Law
- Book Review: The New Constitutional & Administrative Law. Volume 2: Administrative Law and Judicial Review of Administrative Action in South Africa
- Book Review: Plain Legal Language For a New Democracy